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'Sunday, July 25, 2010} Y

Life has been going on smoothly. Finally got my ass hired.
What am i working as?
Im a Piercer / Tattoo apprentice at Silver Needles Tattoos & Piercings.
This job isnt a routine for me.

It's my passion, my life.
Im just grateful to have a good boss and loud colleagues.
Everyday's a different day.
One down in my to - do list.

Next, license. 
Hopefully ile pass by this year. By hook or by crook.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:06 PM

'Saturday, July 24, 2010} Y

What a beauty.

I hate flu.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 3:12 AM

'Thursday, July 01, 2010} Y

If eyes bags are detachable , i think mine would
weigh as heavy as a primary school kid's bag pack.
My sleeping hours are totally off the hook.

Currently at work now.
Day is as mundane as a blank piece of paper.
It's as noisy as a wet market here.
School kids talking to their friends as though they're
on the other side of the world.

If only we have a volume button at the sides of our necks.
I would not hesitate to turn the volume down.
For now, Im a little bit dazed.

No, noone threw a stone at me. That's not the reason.
Im just sleep deprived. 

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 4:42 PM


Dont like me? knulle De Og Dø!

I Dont Live To Please You.



19 & evil

♥ Zee.

Piercing Services

Im freelance piercer
Hygiene and quality practiced
Plugs and studs could be ordered here
Ear extensions are available too

For more enquires, please do leave
me a message at - Rae
and i will get get to you as soon as possible



5 labrets
1 nose
1 tongue
2 tragus [1 on each ear]
8.1mm lobes
20mm ear lobes
1 conch


pentagram [neck]

Upcoming Mods

22mm ear lobes
Oriental full back + Sleeve

With Love;

Designer : CREATION
Basecodes : x-taintedlove
Image : DEVIANT - oelje