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'Wednesday, April 29, 2009} Y

She's gonna strike.
Soon enough.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:15 PM

'} Y

fly away to her.

i wish i was leading a cat's life.
savage for food, walk around and sleep.
And die of old age or some disease.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:58 PM

'Wednesday, April 22, 2009} Y

It had been raining for more than a week, so much rain it made everyday seemed
so restless and gloomy. She called and said she was coming up.
It was the third time she came up to see me that week.
I carried her excuse of why she came all the way here and went to meet her at
the nearby seven-eleven. She was standing there alone,
carrying her red umbrella. Her friend had dropped her off.
It was raining and she was shivering. She looked weak and fragile in the harsh rain,
wearing not enough to keep her warm.

I walked up to her and said, "You shouldn't come see me anymore," and stuff like how we shouldn't be together.
She said, "I miss you."
I told her coldly, "Lets go, I'll take you home."
She did not open up her umbrella, I knew she wanted to share mine.
I said, "Open up your umbrella, let's go."

Unwillingly, She opened up her umbrella and walked with me to the car.
She said she hadn't eat lunch or dinner and asked if we could stop at some place to eat.

Right away I answered with a stoned heart, "No!"
Disappointed, she asked me to take her to the train station, she said she would take
the train back home.

Maybe it was the rain, all the trains were full of people with umbrellas and
suit cases who were eager to get home, not caring about who just passed by.
We waited and waited, she looked at me innocently.
Being together for so long, of course I knew what she meant.
I understand how she must feel when she came all this way here in this kind
of weather and I treat her like this. With her soft eyes staring at me,
I felt guilt and wanted to let her stay for the night.

But reality struck again, I said to her coldly, "Let's go try the other train station."

We were living in the same apartment building, on the same floor.
Back then there were four of us, and we got along well.
We would always eat dinner together, watch movies, and sometimes go camping.
We were more like a family, but I didn't know I would end up falling in
love with the only girl of the four. Maybe it was during the last year of college,
having living together for two years, we developed deep feelings
for each other. After she graduated she went back home,
and I stayed for one more year to finish school.

During that year I was only able to take the train down to see her on holidays,
but never for long. That was how we kept the treasured relationship.

We were walking along the side of the road.
She was in front of me and I was right behind her.
Her umbrella had a broken spoke. She looked liked a wounded soldier,
carrying her rusted rifle walking weakly. Many times, she was too into
thinking or whatever she was doing, drifting off the road,
she almost got hit by the cars passing by. I wanted to just take her in my arms,
but with the love I had for her and the constant pain in my stomach,
I did nothing. On the way, we passed by the park where we use to always go.

She begged and said, "Lets go in the park just for a little while please,
I promise I'll go home right after this."

With her begging, my cold heart softened, but I still put up an annoyed face
and walked in the park. I was just sitting on the benches looking
like I wanted to leave. She went to the big oak tree and she was looking
for something. I knew she was looking for what we wrote on that
tree with a silver ink pen half a year ago.

If I remember it right, it said, "Chris and Susan was here,
Chris had tea and Susan was drinking hot chocolate.
Hope Chris and Susan would always remember this day,
always loving each other, forever." She was looking around for quite a while,
then she came back slowly with tears on her face.

She said, "Chris, I can't find it, it's not there anymore."
I felt so sour inside, there was a stream of pain, flowing into my heart,
the kind of pain I've never felt before.
But all I could do was pretend I didn't care, and said, "Can we go now?"
I opened up my big black umbrella, she was just standing there,
didn't want to leave yet, hoping there was still a chance.
She said, "You made up the story of you and that other girl didn't you?
I know I frustrate you sometimes, but I'll change, can't we start over?"

I didn't say a word, just looked down and shook my head.
After that we just kept on walking towards the train station,
didn't say a word to each other.

Four years ago, the doctor said I had cancer, but it was found early,
so it was still curable. Thinking that it was okay,
I started living my normal life again, and even forgot about the cancer.
I didn't think about the cancer again and did not go back to the doctor.
Until a month ago, my stomach was hurting for two weeks straight,
and the nightmare awakened me again.

First I thought the pain wouldl go away, but it grew stronger
until to the point that I couldn't take it anymore.
I went back to the doctor and took an X-ray.
The picture came out and there was a big black spot,
which proved the truth that I did not want to believe.

I was at the most glittering part of my life, but it was coming to an end.
I wanted myself and the people around me to go through the least pain
possible, so I decided to commit suicide.
But I couldn't let people find out about my intentions,
especially Susan, the person I love the most in this whole world,
who still doesn't know about the truth.

Susan was still young, she shouldn't have to go through this.
So I made up some stories and lied to her. It was a cruel thing to do,
and it broke her heart, but it was the fastest way to wipe out
three years's feelings.
I didn't have much time, because I would soon start to
loose hair and she would find out eventually.

But now I'm close to succeeding, this drama would soon be over.
Thirty minutes more this would all come to an end, that was what I had in mind.'

The train had stopped running so I called a taxi for her.
We were just standing there, waiting, loosing our last moments in silence.

I saw the taxi from far away, I held my tears and said to her,
"Take care of yourself, take good care of yourself."

She didn't talk, just nodded lightly,
and then opened up her misshaped umbrella and stepped out
on the street.
Out in the rain, we became two single life forms,
one red, one black, so far away from each other.

I opened the door for her and she got in, then I close the gate
that would separate me from her forever.
I stood by the car, staring in the dark window,
at the first love in my life, also the last one, walking out of my life.

The car started, driving into the street.
Finally I couldn't hold my sorrow and the twist in my heart
any longer, waving my arms rapidly chasing after the taxi,
because I knew, this would be the last time I see her.
I wanted to tell her I still love her, I wanted to tell her to stay,

I wanted to tell her so much, but the taxi had already turned in the corner.
Warm tears kept falling down my face, blended with the cold rain drops.
I was cold, not because of the rain. I was cold inside.

She left, and I didn't get anymore of her phone calls even until today.
I know she didn't see my tears, because they were washed away by the rain.
I left without regrets. But I'm not Chris,
I'm that girl Susan, using my memory,
and his diary I found after one year since he left, writing down these last words.


I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy,
I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry,
I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me
- I’m going to smile.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:15 AM

'} Y

This picture reminds me of so many things.
A zillion good memories.
Still cant pass that phase.
No, not yet.
Not eventually.
But forever.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:48 AM

'Monday, April 20, 2009} Y

Thy hands are itching.
Thy heart is beating as fast as a speeding lamborghini.
Blood is sweet.
A blow inflicted on one's self is terminal.
Thy mind's corrupted.

Dont get near thyself.
When someone's hating, thy will bring hatred upon them.
When someone's cursing, thy will inflict curses onto them.
When someone's too much, thy will just destroy them.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:59 PM

'} Y

A big thank you to Marc for piercing my Septum yesterday.
A huge gush of tears just flowed out, down my cheeks the moment i opened my eyes.
The sensation was orgasmic.
The outcome was just as beautiful.

I was actually half asleep while talking, texting on the phone and chatting with people online.


Upon hanging up, immediately, i was sent up to lala land.
I dreamt. But couldnt remember what it was except for the last part.

I went to parkway, after piercing my septum,
walked around for abit and thus decided to go home.
Just as i was about to cross the road, someone tapped me from behind.
It was Jiahui, along with a friend.
They were promoting a new set of cookies from Famous Amous.
So, i took one. & it tasted really good.
It was the best tasting one amongst all of the other cookies from Famous Amous.

& then, i woke up.

It was such a good dream.
I even thought of taking another bite out of that delicious cookie.
But no, of all times, i had to wake up.

Alright then, till here lovelies.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:40 PM

'Thursday, April 16, 2009} Y

I miss all of them.
& those who are not in the picture as well.


Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:52 PM

'Tuesday, April 14, 2009} Y

The Aftermath.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:30 AM

'Monday, April 13, 2009} Y

Pictures of Dragonforce. Grabbed by Sav.

ZP Theart.

Sam Totman

Herman Li

Herman, Vadim, Sam

Herman, Sam

Herman, Frederic, Sam

Herman, ZP



Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:45 PM

'} Y

Me, Frederic Leclercq (Bassist of Dragonforce) & Nat.

Dragonforce on sat at D'Marquee.
They have never failed to impress me with their performance for the 2nd time!
Frederic was being sucha sweetheart. We caught him just in time
before he went out and took a pic with him!
ZP Theart & Frederic kept smilling and making contact with me while performing.
WOOOOOOOO! Cuz i was shouting at the top of my lungs to their songs.


Didnt get to snap a picture of them cuz of the damn securities.
Bahh. But But But! i got a guitar pick from them!
Thanks to one of the security. HAHAHAHAHA. He gave it to me.

& elly got herself their Drumstick! Lucky girl.
& the opening band was Bhellio
Good shit. Got their sticker too. Thanks to my legs. ^_^

There was not a single moshpit. Stupid shit.
But still, it was worth it.
I managed to elbow two guys behind me.
Cuz they were trying to start a moshpit behind me and someone pushed me.
So, too bad. Elbowed.

Now, my whole body is aching.

Elly, Nat, Me

Nat, Me

Some guy named Ryd (whom i dont know), Elly, Nat and Me.

There's one more pic with us all after the concert,
But i donnoe who's it with.
Ille post it when i get it.


Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:36 AM

'Saturday, April 11, 2009} Y

Louis's back piece. Almost done.
Like finally!
Gotta imagine the bottom part and finish it up.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 4:10 AM

'Tuesday, April 07, 2009} Y

Im hopeless.
Sucha loser i am.
Septum by Marc, i cant wait.
Im living life as it is now.
Taking it slow and steady.

I feel the need to go swimming.
Would anyone care to go with me?
I shall drown all the sorrows in those laps by these arms and legs.
I need a job, well alright, lets say me and Rina needs a job.
Whatever it is, its better then doing nothing at home.

Dragonforce this saturday.
So with whom am i going with?
Im not sure bout that.

I miss people. Lots of people.
& you know who you guys are.
Those people are like an elder sister to me, a really good friend etc;
I shall see you guys soon.

These few days, the only company i have is rina etc;
Little jokes and mature talks.
Sometimes over tea.

Speaking of tea, i would really have to go and take a bathe now and buy a glass of tea

So goodbye,

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:10 PM

'Thursday, April 02, 2009} Y

Im a cunt.
I destroy everything.
What a bitch.

Please just stab me in the head.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 5:24 AM


Dont like me? knulle De Og Dø!

I Dont Live To Please You.



19 & evil

♥ Zee.

Piercing Services

Im freelance piercer
Hygiene and quality practiced
Plugs and studs could be ordered here
Ear extensions are available too

For more enquires, please do leave
me a message at - Rae
and i will get get to you as soon as possible



5 labrets
1 nose
1 tongue
2 tragus [1 on each ear]
8.1mm lobes
20mm ear lobes
1 conch


pentagram [neck]

Upcoming Mods

22mm ear lobes
Oriental full back + Sleeve

With Love;

Designer : CREATION
Basecodes : x-taintedlove
Image : DEVIANT - oelje