'Friday, October 30, 2009} Y
Im recovering.
Im glad.
Many thanks to the people around me.
Today was good.
Anyways, sorry to keep you waiting Ash bb.
Zul arrived at an even later time.
Chilled for a while and headed to simei to meet the others.
Had a really nice chat.
Had a really good laugh at Ruz. HAHAHA
Petir and friends picked me up and had supper at simpang.
And now im back home with eye infection.
Oh gosh.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 4:18 AM
'Monday, October 26, 2009} Y
Even if life is like a pile of shit now, i still wont give up.
Holding on. To whatever thats left.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 3:28 PM
'} Y
Eventhough im not rich, im happy the way i am.
Money cant buy you real happiness.
Money cant buy you love.
I do not look for materialistic needs in a partner.
All i need is someone to be there for me.
To care, concern and go thru this pile of shit we call life together.
This love wont fade.
It cant be erased.
Try as you may, it still beats for one.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 3:09 AM
'Sunday, October 25, 2009} Y
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:55 PM
'} Y

Cicak made me cried 2 times at gall and another while walking.Nabil tried, but i only became sad.Chicks tried but failed. Instead of making me cry, he made me wanna laugh and cry at the same time.
Im i that bad of a person?I need to know the reason.I cant go on living like this.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 3:32 AM
'Saturday, October 24, 2009} Y
What am i doing now?
I wished i had the answer.
When things were becoming good for me,
everything else crashes.
Im just like an empty shell now.
I donnoe where the hell im heading to,
nor what hell im doing.
Middles up to myself.
Appetite's gone.
Mind's gone.
Soul's gone too.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:13 AM
'Wednesday, October 21, 2009} Y
Just because of what i wear now, people thinks im of a different scene.
Assumptions. Humans and their non stopping assumptions.
Oh, and why do they make assumptions?
Cuz they've got a whole lot of free time.
And the free time is for?
Stalking and making assumptions.
Takmo la jaga tepi kain org.
Pegi la jaga kain sendiri.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:21 PM
'Tuesday, October 20, 2009} Y
I need them Antidepressants.
Please. Now.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:08 PM
'Monday, October 19, 2009} Y
I am feeling so depressed.
My lungs are shouting for oxygen.
My mind's screaming for freedom.
I am going Mental. Period.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:55 PM
'Sunday, October 18, 2009} Y

I do not see what i used to see.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:51 PM
'Friday, October 16, 2009} Y
It seems much more complex then it is.
Anyways, lol to you.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:34 AM
'Wednesday, October 14, 2009} Y
What is happening? My system is disappointing me.Why is it at this time? Why oh why.Body feels like jelly and mind isnt stable.
I would be glad if i could sleep, eat and not feel this way.Damn, of all people why me and why now.Shit.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:54 AM
'Tuesday, October 13, 2009} Y
Guess what came in the mail today!

Finally it has arrived!
I simply cannot stop smiling.
It was worth the cash and wait.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:31 PM
'Monday, October 12, 2009} Y
I got door slammed right in the face by a stupid rude bus driver
at city hall close to 1am yesterday.
Did ure mom even teach you any manners?
Where's ure fucking patience?
Cant you see me standing there trying to get up the bus?
Well i certainly think ure blind.
And isnt it even possible to even open ure mouth to apologize?
Damn, such a rude bastard.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:21 AM
'Saturday, October 10, 2009} Y

It doesnt makes me feel any better.
Instead, all it does is to make me feel extremely restless.
Placing me next to a worm isnt any different.
While the rest are getting their beauty sleep,
here i am trying my very best to drift into a beautiful dream but to no avail.
My eating habit's also affected.
Ive been eating lesser and therefore i could withhold hours without food.
Body's feeling tensed but i could not determine the source of it.
Nothing's troubling me either.
So it's a tad weird on why im feeling like this.
Im concerned for myself. Well, not only me but my dear boy too.
It's gonna be 3am soon.
And im not even opposing a yawn.
This really bugs me.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:22 AM
'Wednesday, October 07, 2009} Y
Blogger just doesnt want to upload a picture for me.
What's gonna happen to this world?
Flood in the Philippines,
Earthquake in Indonesia,
And yesterday, a mosque was on fire in Singapore.
What's next?
What's gonna become of us?
Everything's happening in one go, a quarter of the world is in a state of chaos.
Its not that i dont want chaos to start.
But this is different.
It's gonna consume us.
Paranoia, soon enough ulle take over the whole human race.
Alright enough of that.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:31 PM
'Monday, October 05, 2009} Y
Tralalalala gonna bathe and buy me some markers!
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:23 PM
'Sunday, October 04, 2009} Y

I need paint markers.
Besides having itching issues, my hands have been itching to
draw too.
Oh wells, Life has been good.
Better than ever.
What more when my jacket has been shipped!
Hopefully it'll arrive soon. Cant wait cant wait!
There's more to write actually.
But i cant remember what was on my mind earlier on.
Blame it on my STM.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:46 PM
'Saturday, October 03, 2009} Y

If only the human skin could be teared away as and when we like
and new skin would produce in an instant, i would be happy.
The rash is still going on. It irritates the hell out of me.
It describes the day today.
Butt, legs and hands are sore from sitting in the kitchen since afternoon
sewing a shirt. Well thats not the end. There's gonna be a skirt next.
And a jacket to paint later on.
The weather is being kind today.
Cool and a tad chilly.
Cosy cosy.
The thought of you makes me crack so hard everytime.
You stick well just like a tube of super glue.
I think you still dont understand fully.
It never did get to your brain did it?
Well, i doubt so too.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:07 PM