'Monday, September 28, 2009} Y
Ahh its been so long since i saw this dude.

Ahh well, the itch is starting to come back.
Lets hope its not chicken pox or anything of that sort.
Cuz believe it or not, ive never had chicky poxy since the day i was born
till now.
Lets put that aside shall we?
And so ille be getting my new set of glasses tmr!
Now i dont have to worry about squinting my eyes to see whatever's
infront of me while wearing my old set of glasses.
Thanks ma.
Glad ive put on weight.
Finally, i could fit into my pants.
I dont understand why people wants to be as skinny as possible.
I mean, yes. Who wants to be overweight?
But not till the extend of looking like a living skeleton.
And that, makes one looks horrifying.
Eat well, rest well, exercise well.
And that would make ure body fine.
I dont really know why im talking bout this but, yeah i just did.
Okay im off to consume my noodles.
Toodles Bahoodles.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:57 PM
'} Y

Hello Jacket, here i come.
I wanna go swimming. Its been a long time since i swam.
Nabil said tmr, but im not that sure who would want to go.
Now, the thing is i dont know why im having stomach cramps.
Im off to watch a movie on my mac.
Goodnights people.
<3 you dear
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:42 AM
'Thursday, September 24, 2009} Y
Of all places, i chose to sit in front of my main gate
to surf the net.
Natural Air.
Sky's beautiful.
I guess this will be my net surfing location from now on.
I bet my neighbours would be shocked to find a pair of legs resting against
the stairs in front of my gate from inside the house.
Well, it isnt that bad.
The itch isnt going away.
Instead, its getting worse.
*scratch scratch scratch*
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 7:13 PM
'} Y

My dear boy is sick while im having rashes.
It itches so much im scratching like a monkey.
And the thing is, i dont even know why im having rashes.
I dont have any allergies so how did the rashes start?
Think im gonna spend my time at home today scratching and sewing.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 6:18 PM
'Tuesday, September 22, 2009} Y

Im back. Home sweet home.
Been away to spent 3 days with the fam at Batam.
It was quite okay. Im just glad that im living in a nice place in Sg.
I feel sad looking at most of the people living there.
Their housing conditions were bad.
And when it rains, everywhere will be muddy.
litters are everywhere.
But well, the things there are cheap!
I love that particular donut. But it wasnt open the 2nd day as it was on
Hari Raya. ):
I would want to go back there again just to eat that donut and A&W.
Anyways! Happy 1st Monthsary my boy!
Look at how time flies. Fast isnt it?
ILY! ^^

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 6:28 PM
'Monday, September 14, 2009} Y
Ive always wondered why some people love to hide behind the
computer screen and start the flame burning.
There's the phone.
Just pick it up, enter the digits, talk and settle everything
and youre done.
And there's meeting up.
Say whatever you have to say infront of the person and youre done.
I feel that its pointless hiding behind the screen.
Neither do i feel that its worth my time entertaining.
But sometimes, its just plain funny looking at what they wrote.
They could go on and on and on not knowing when to stop,
but all that they've written are not quite understandable.
They sure have the time to do all this.
Im beat, im going to bed.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:32 AM
'Sunday, September 13, 2009} Y

Haha, this is so funny.
And its so much fun.
Anyways, certain idiots living in the same block as me are completely
brain dead. Stupid idiots.
Never favored them. Never will either.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 8:34 AM
'Friday, September 11, 2009} Y
There was a time when ppl said that there lived a young bright and ugly
hideous boy named erm erm erm..Nabilan Gamilan Kelantan..
he is so thin that ppl always mistook him as a coconut tree..
But well u cant blame him..
Becoz he is so poor, he barely got a meal to eat everyday.
He had to depend on his own shit to eat to keep him alive..
No matter how hard his life is..he never gave up..never surrendered..he kept on
fighting hardship..
One day as he was about to shit beside a banana tree..
He spotted a young beautiful lady..
He was so nervous that his shit retreated back into his digestive system..
He was out of words..
Especially when the lady knows that Nabil was not a coconut tree..
Nabil felt so happy becoz this particular lady
was the first to notice that he is not a tree..
So he went over to the lady and ask wats her name..
And where she came from..She answered him..
Her name was pon pon pon pon tianak..the lady is a stammering pontianak..
Hmmmmm....it reminds me of sumone..i think Cherie Tan Mei Yue..
But wait..lets get back to the story..
Nabil was so happy that he ask pontinak to marry him..u know being Nabil..
a young and ugly desperate boy..but strangely pontianak accepted..
soon after that they got married..and they live happily ever after..
So wats the moral of the story..?
The answer is....
Dun read this shit..becoz only assholes like u would read the whole story..
thank you..
Author: Dino shaw
want my ic no..??
ok next time i tell u guys k..be gd..dun hanky panky k..get married then do..
Yong Gan!!
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 5:01 AM
'Monday, September 07, 2009} Y
Once you've let something go, it isn't yours anymore.
Don't dwell on it. Don't hope for anything.
It makes my blood boil every single time i see/hear your name.
It makes me feel like giving you one nice roundhouse kick on the nose.
After knowing that it's already broken and blood's
flowing down from your nostrils,
I would love to watch you bleed to death.
If not, i would love to see you being crippled for life.
Girl, you're old enough to think and act maturely.
But it looks like as if you have the mind of a 14 year old kid.
My patience's running thin.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 7:21 AM
'} Y

ilutvbilanw;itubeirtup9vq8w-]0458n045b48 7bov;iyt
Scissors, tak bedek.
Ni aku consferm.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:45 AM
'Wednesday, September 02, 2009} Y
Dont let my patience take over me to thrash you bitch.
Once i think that its enough, its really enough.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:45 PM
'Tuesday, September 01, 2009} Y

Bus 854 is being a total bitch since when i was a small kid.
Why cant the journey from Bedok to Khatib be as fast as possible?
My butt felt sore the moment the stood up and alighted at Khatib.
& Dino could laugh at me.
Thanks dear. Hahaha.
Spent the whole day at Nabil's playing Rockband and Guitar Heroes.
Watched a stupidly funny malay movie.
Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak.
Hilarious shit. Kept laughing all the way.
Took priceless pictures due to the fact that we were so damn bored
as we had nothing else to do.
So we decided to watch a Thai horror movie.
& Dino kept on trying to scare the shit out of me. -.-
It was good.
Alot of pictures were being taken.
Ille upload it in the next post.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 5:11 PM