'Wednesday, August 26, 2009} Y

I love the way you hold your guitar
I love the way you sing
I love the way you disturb the shit out of people
I love the way you wrote me that song
Im trying to be happy and positive for now.
Am i asking for too much?
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 6:58 PM
'Sunday, August 23, 2009} Y

Just one blink.
Everything's gone.
It's raining, it's pouring. Im shivering there's no stopping.
Im gonna go off soon to Louis's place to meet up with him,Cherie and Dino too.
& im gonna sew my pants.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 6:41 PM
'Tuesday, August 18, 2009} Y

Work was good. Well, except for the fact that i woke up late.
But still, i managed to get myself hyped up for work.
I was shocked to see Erin& Hippo at my workplace.
Apparently they were meeting Syirr and she told them where i was working at.
Hahaha. Such a surprise. Syirr came after school too.
Didnt manage to see my colleague do his work on his client as
i went off immediately to meet Baby and Bernard at Iluma.
While walking, i saw someone familiar.
& yes, i bumped into Dino. Such a small world.
& we went home together.
My eye bags should weigh about a tonne by now.
I better go to sleep.
Goodnight earthlings.
<3 you
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 3:00 AM
'Friday, August 14, 2009} Y

Dinner was good today.
Had Botak Jones and tummy is now happily fulfilled.
It was also good to see Imran today as its been long since we met.
Walked around cityhall with Anuar and Imran and crapped.
Im glad to have friends like them.
Noone can brighten up your day like they do.
Headed over to baby's and continued chilling.
It was fun. Really.
So anyways, guess where im working at now.
Im still an apprentice of course.
Find me.
<3 you alot.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:49 AM
'Thursday, August 13, 2009} Y

Happy 19th my dearest!
May whatever you wish come true and enjoy being 19.
[Which i dont think being 19 makes a difference]
Love you baby.
We'll celebrate it super belated alright?
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:11 PM
'Monday, August 10, 2009} Y

Im tired of coughing.
Ille still be coughing even when im asleep.
If my lungs could talk, they would be screaming for help.
My nose isnt doing any better. Im having blocked nose.
And when i try to breathe in really hard, all i can hear is wheezing.
This morning i woke up with pains in my chest,
but its alright now.
Im sick of being sick. Work anti bodies, work.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:48 PM
'} Y
My days have been hectic.
Have been job hunting here and there but still to no avail.
Im not gonna rest my ass and mind till i find a suitable job for me.
Well, except when im sleeping of course.
Do check out the column on your left.
Im currently a freelance piercer, so if you would like to get a piercing
or a ear extension, please do leave me a message.
Plugs or studs could be ordered from me too.
Just give me a description of it and ille try to place an order for you.
Anyways, ive got a weird dream today.
But i cant remember it at all. Weird isnt it?
Baby i love and miss you truckloads.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:00 AM
'Friday, August 07, 2009} Y

Im sick being sick.
I wonder why im sick all the time.
I wish to be bionic. So i wouldnt have to fall sick every now and then.
The last thing i want when im sick is to have a sore throat.
Im having one now and its tremendously painful.
Anyways, i got to cuddle baby to sleep just now.
It was so comfortable i wish it would go on forever
even if it means not waking up ever again.
I didnt do anything productive today.
All i did was wake up in the morning, bathed, ate a few pieces of yam cake,
read a book, fell asleep halfway, felt hungry so
i woke up and went to the coffee shop with Louis and baby and had dinner.
That was not all.
After dinner, baby went back to my place and we slept.
I slept once again. Unbelievable.
But it was great. To be sleeping in the arms of your loved one makes you feel
secure and warm. (:
Alrightey then, i shall get back to my usual routine of bloghopping.
See you tmr love.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:09 AM
'Thursday, August 06, 2009} Y
Pimples coming from nowhere and implanted itself on my face.
I dont feel that good.
Throat is being such a bitch.
Now my jaw cant even shut. It feels dislocated.
Shit. Bus ride to hospital in the evening tmr with a
dying mp3 and a few songs in it.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:02 AM
'Wednesday, August 05, 2009} Y

Ive got a feeling i could find a job by next week.
Hooray for me.
My hopes are crushed.
No matter how much i wanted to have at least one Sak Yant
on my back since sec 2, i cant do it. For now that is.
Having one is tough. It is like a lifetime commitment.
I may be 18 but im not yet ready for this, even though i want it so badly.
I guess ille only have it imprinted when i think that its time to,
or when i think that i could abide by the rules.
Anyways, i would really hope to get my back covered a.s.a.p,
after ive found a job. I hope baby's lecturer would do it for me.
Whatever it is, i just wanna get it covered.
Pimple on my nose.
Well, You made me look like an idiot.
Love you baby.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:55 PM
'Tuesday, August 04, 2009} Y

Its a relieve to not be feeling quite empty anymore.
Having to know that you have someone who dotes, cares and loves you
so much with all his heart makes you feel blessed to have someone
like him in your life.
Never had i regretted being with you.
You opened my eyes, heart and mind and got me thinking real hard
bout my life. And i thank you for that.
Well anyways, I just love the way boyfriend smells.
Call me crazy, which im absolutely sure that there's nothing wrong with me.
In 4 years time, ille be able to cuddle you and let your scent put me to sleep.
Just like how a lullaby does to babies.
Bout 45mins ago, i shaked my shaker fries and fragments of the powder
escaped from the bag and found its way onto my bed.
Chao Cheebs.
Lucky i noticed. If not, i would be sleeping with seaweed powder.
Muscles on shoulder are developing.
What else?
I need to gain weight.
I love you Mr Yeo (:
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:03 AM
'Sunday, August 02, 2009} Y
Im glad baby loved the gift i made (:
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:01 AM
'} Y

Happy 4th Anniversary my dearest!
I had so much fun spending my time with you today.
Today's the 4th month.
But in 4 years time, you know what you have to do baby.
Ille be waiting.
Patiently waiting right here. Hehe.
Cant wait cant wait cant wait.
No matter what, ille wait.
While baby's enlarging with ear, ille do some push ups or crunches.
Update soon.
I love you baby.
Happy 4th to you (:
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:29 AM