'Friday, June 26, 2009} Y
Ive been feeling too tired to blog nowadays.
Cuz my sleeping hours has been changed drastically.
Nevertheless, Here's a sneak preview on what im gonna blog soon.
Hint: The longest time spent in the airport with the bestest people.

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:27 AM
'Monday, June 22, 2009} Y

Jamming was, fun!
Got my arm scratched real bad by my guitar.
See, even the guitar hates me.
It was tough playing the lead, really. For me that is.
Ive never taken the guitar seriously. But i did today.
All of us had a heart to heart talk today.
Each giving everyone their comments on our flaws and all.
Talked bout the scene today and before.
Everything was good.
Without you guys, i wouldnt be what i am today.
I got your back. Thank you my brothers, baby.
Not forgetting the family of course.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:30 AM
'Friday, June 19, 2009} Y

If only walls could talk.
I would be so delighted.
At least i know that someone/something's there to relate to.
Unlike now, all i could hear is silence.
Anyways, i spent my whole day at home with baby.
I munched away in the afternoon thinking that ille get full eventually,
But no. It continued till nighttime.
I did stop, for at least 15mins or so.
Well, i did stopped munching didnt i?
Actually i feel rather sleepy now.
However, i cant seem to sleep. No, not yet.
Weird isnt it?
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:19 AM
'Wednesday, June 17, 2009} Y
Current Location: Pasir ris Mac.
Basically me, baby and his cousin isnt doing anything productive here.
Surfing the net looking at people's pics and im here blogging.
Gonna cut Nat's hair tmr.
& im a ninja.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 8:57 PM
'} Y

This is my blog and ive got nothing to hide.
Oh wells, baby just got his macbook pro. What a happy boy.
Now you love ur Mac as much as i love mine right? HAHAHA
I just love everything from apple. Seriously im crazy over apple products.
They're like my babies.
Okay next topic,
Baby got stalked by a pervertic old man at WhiteSands this evening.
That man seriously followed him everywhere he went in the toilet,
and even took sneak peeks at baby's "you know where".
But but, that isnt the end of the story.
That pervertic old man decided to stalk him around WhiteSands.
While going down the escalator, he looked back and looked at bby.
& My dear Mr Yeo freaked out. HAHAHA.
To sum up everything into simpler words, that man tried looking for bby
the whole entire WhiteSands. Aint that absolutely creepy.
I bet his mentally ill.
A good close friend of mine turned legal today.
Happy 18th Rina! (:
We celebrated her birthday in advanced yesterday as Syazwan has got to
go to KL today. It was fun! She was totally caught off guard and i was the one
whom she said "Fuck you" too. Thanks Rina! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
It was worth it thou.
So sorry i havent got you a present, but i hope you liked the dishes (:
That's the least that i can do.
Didnt managed to get photos of the dishes and the entire celebration.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:04 AM
'Tuesday, June 16, 2009} Y

Fee Fi Fo Fum
I need a break and i need some rum.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:32 PM
'Thursday, June 04, 2009} Y

2more days till Resurrection.
Cant fucking wait.
Anyways, look at this planet.
Its fucking stupid and depressing.
& the parents are making it more depressing.
Really. Sometimes they say that they understand us, young adults,
due to the fact that they've gone thru it before. Thus claiming that they
know how we're feeling.
Well, i object.
What they've faced may be the same, but hello, this is already 2009.
To them maybe it's still the same but they've go to face it.
The world changes. Situations changes. Everything changes.
The world revolves.
It doesnt just stay still.
Parents are like HSA officers.
Always on the lookout for the littlest mistakes you make.
Whether ure old or young or ure dying.
They could even argue over the smallest things.
For example; I didnt off the fan and went downstairs to grab some junk.
Fuck. Off. And. Die.
You could go for a nice holiday and spent ure moneh just like that,
But not for me.
Im dead beat now. Gonna sleep soon.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:43 AM
'Tuesday, June 02, 2009} Y

I wanna dog-nap Jumbo.
Ah, Max too. Just in case Jumbo misbehaves.
But, i think i wont have the strength to walk them.
Hmmm, they might be walking me instead.
Imran, get well soon.
Dont worry you're still looking good as ever.
its just 4 more days till Ressurection!
I cant wait. Seriously.
And so, im still bumming.
Well, to put it in simpler ways, im still a couch potato.
Life has been smooth. But there's still some obstructions here and there.
Nonetheless, everything's good.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:20 PM