'Thursday, May 21, 2009} Y

Look at my face.
& give it a tight of slap.
Food is always present in my dreams.
No matter how hard it is for me to not dream about it,
it'll still find a way to sneak into my dreams.
Talking bout food, my tummy's rumbling.
Gonna go take a nice bath and savage for food.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:02 PM
'Saturday, May 16, 2009} Y

Me, being a kind soul, gave up my beauty sleep at about 9.30am for someone,
by the name of Kasman Putra / Apollyon / Ah choy / Tetek just because
he needed someone to accompany him for a jamming session at beats
playing for a "hardcore" band.
Seriously, Us (Chris & me) being the kind souls that we are, accompanied
that tetek for the jam session and it was seriously cocked up.
The drummer has to listen to her mp3 while playing, the gore-ing and screaming
was, err, indescribable. Period.
So the three of us made eye contact and kept smilling and
laughing at each other during the session. HAHAHAHAHAAHA.
Halfway thru, Louis came. Finally, my ears dont have to endure the torture
of the screamings.
Waited for them to finish and we went for murtabak!
Man was so paranoid about them putting cheese into the murtabak!
HAHAHAHAHA. Apa sia man cheese kat murtabak beef.
Jie came when we're about to finish and he looks like a China businessman.
Headed over to the 7eleven cuz Jie and louis wanted to get beers for themselves.
Crapped and crapped and i got a blueblack on my arm.
Thanks to that Tetek la!
Went home with chris and tetek.
Ps: Louis, please, do take care of urself.
I want to see you in one piece.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:54 AM
'Sunday, May 10, 2009} Y
A year ago.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:55 PM
'Tuesday, May 05, 2009} Y
Many thanks to Jeff my woman for the muay thai wrap.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:57 AM
'Sunday, May 03, 2009} Y

Thy is already useless.
To make thy more useless, thy right knuckles might be cracked and it cant be
used anymore.
Hope its not.
Thy's not afraid. Just sad.
It hurts alot. More then anything else.
& the pain has spread to the wrist.
But thy must be strong.
Thy is a total wreck.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:59 PM