'Sunday, July 27, 2008} Y

Life has been pretty hard.
To think that i even spent 20 mins figuring on what to type as the ferst line.
Even my brain finds it hard to work.
Nowadays, i find it hard to please everyone. Family, Bf, friends.
Whats wrong with me? I dont even know.
People from all over the world might be reading this with a feeling of sadness/empathy
but i know that some might be reading this with glee.
Knowing that im suffering and that my life 's fucked up.
Its alright, this is part of life, but im not wanting it to last very long.
Its tiring. Im tired of all this.
It took me 45 mins to finish this short post.
Cuz my brains not working.
And my heart has stopped beating.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:45 AM
'Saturday, July 12, 2008} Y

Wow. I finally had the strength to log in into blogger to blog.
Well, school's been a bore cuz the new time table sucks.
Classes starts early in the morning and ends in the late afternoon.
Time ranging from 8am - 5pm.
Oh and we've got a very ridiculous lecturer for SBM (Small Business Management)
I forgot his name but all he does is make sarcastic & non-funny jokes.
He thinks its funny thou.
We're not allowed to use our hp's in class or he'll confiscate them for a week.
Its alright with me but he said that he once confiscated one of his student's
hp and he used it. He fucking used it to make calls overseas. Where to?
To Fucking, JAPAN.
Now tell me who's loco?
Forget about that.
We've got grooming lessons this term!
This is the only lesson that im looking forward to.
Interesting class. Nice lecturer.
Okay okay, so lately, ive been hanging out at Going Om with Irfnxs, Louis and the others
since last week. Mayb i might be getting the job there after Erica leaves.
I love that place. Poi Poi & more Poi.
Im a happy nigger.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 8:42 PM
'Saturday, July 05, 2008} Y

I cant believe im actually living on a boring piece of plotted land.
It's so boring i swear i feel like turning myself into a turtle so that i could hide
myself inside that hollow green little shell where noone could see me.
Yes, that's the word to describe the life that im living in now.
Im jobless, School's starting on monday, School's ending this year and i have no absolute
idea on what to do the next year & i have a fucking curfew.
Wow. A Fucking pathetic mind blowing gas chambering jews of a CURFEW.
So i might as well say a big thank you.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooooooooooooooooooooou.
There it is.
Okay well, here's the real deal.
Grampy's gone, My Mp3's dead and school's starting on monday [how bad can that be],
I need new shoes & im broke, I cant find any Fucking job, My apendix has been
hurting everytime when i walk long distances, bruises on my legs that keeps on
coming back [i bruise at the slightest knock; Im fragile. Really.] & As im typing
this, i cant seem to breathe. Hell yeah.
God sure hates me alot. Why oh Why. Tell me there's something good for me.
So, ive sinned. Okay okay, ive sinned alot.
So would you give in and make something good happen to me?
Please? Pretty please?
I think i better go lie down. I cant fucking breathe.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:30 AM