'Wednesday, June 25, 2008} Y

Okay. Been missing for like what? 3 days?
& now im back. gyeah. It feels so damn good.
So, the Chalet was good. It was last min planned and so, many could come.
Day One: [Monday]
Checked in around 4pm with IRFNXS and lazed in bed while watching tvee and calling
Friends, asking whether they would want to come down.
Afiq came at around 6 and we went out to buy some food for the bbq later on.
Started bbq-ing at about 7+ and Afiq's elder brother and tafsir(?) came.
Ate Ate Ate and Bbqed marshmallows!
Yummy. The best ive ever tasted.
Rented a dvd called ALONE. It was a horror thai movie(?)
It was, not bad la.
Pendekar & friend came at around 2am and sat outside listenin to him
& IRFNXS freestyling. Haha. Dahh abis, dahh abis.
Slept and they went off at around 5am+.
Day Two: [Tuesday]
Woke up at around 10.30am and i suddenly realised that Mac's breakfast ends at 11.
There goes our MacGriddles, griddling.
& so, Afiq & Tafsir(?) came at around 6pm+ and we wanted to bbq at 7.30pm
But it rained. & so, we waited till it stopped at about 8+ and bbqed.
Louis and friends came at around 11+
But they started bbq-ing the food at about 1am cuz our charcoal had finished
& they had to go all the way to Pasir Ris Central to get them at the 7 eleven.
Came back and started bbq-ing at drinking.
Didnt drank much as i was having the *oh, i can feel my beer belly coming on*
Feeling, which suck. It feels like as if my stomach's gonna explode anytime soon
& guts will be the deco for the chalet.
& so, i drank only 1 and a half can of Tiger.
I hate Tiger. Yea. There's nothing else, so yea.
Fell asleep beside IRFNXS before finishing the movie that we rented again.
This time, it was, The Hottie and The Nottie.
I wanna watch it again.
Day Three: [Wednesday [Today] ]
Woke up at 10am, bathed and cleared everthing up, and checked out at 12pm.
I miss that place now.
Even though its only for three days, i feel attached to it.
But yea, all good things must come to an end one day.
I really enjoyed myself.
Love you huns.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:56 PM
'Tuesday, June 24, 2008} Y
Still at the Chalet.
Im hungry now, but ive got no mood to eat.
Checking out tmr.
Im done.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:24 PM
'Saturday, June 21, 2008} Y

Im confused.
I think im a ninja.
Ive got a dream in which i had to endure the torture of some stoopid matreps.
& u just walked away.
& in that particular dream, noone wants to be my friend anymore.
How interesting can it get.
My dreams suck.
& it always get suckier & suckier. Till its sucky.
Where's my cancer sticks when i need one?
Oh, my aunt's buying it.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:37 AM
'Friday, June 20, 2008} Y
Do not console.
Listen to some songs.
Come on & Fuck the world.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:37 PM
'Wednesday, June 18, 2008} Y

Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:01 PM
'Monday, June 16, 2008} Y
From this geeky little girl

A big Happy 17th Birthday to My Dearest Rina!
Time really flies huh?
The ferst we met and known each other was during sec 1's Orientation camp.
& then gradually, we became friends and then the best of friends.
Recess together, shopping together, bitching together.
Okay this sounds gay. But you get what i mean right? haha
Got in the same class in sec 1 till sec 4, which was the last year we spent in that school.
We quarelled over some stupid things but we did manage to forgive each other in the end.
Im surprised tthat our friendship has gone really far and that we're still
contacting each other till now.
& so, Happy 17th to you my dearest friend, may all your wishes come true
and hope you'll be contented with your life & Fir in the years to come.
To this gorgeous Lady.

PS: Sat's your day. ^^
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:45 PM
'Sunday, June 15, 2008} Y
The world looks better when its Nightime.
Streetlamps, Moonlight &Empty Streets.
Goodnight World.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:55 PM
'Thursday, June 12, 2008} Y

Relationships are confusing.
Jealousy occurs to a guy when his gf were to go out with other friends of hers
whether they're guys or gurls.
& gurls would have a selfish attitude and would want her bf to stick with her 24/7.
This is just a random post.
Dont take it too seriously.
Well, I wonder why.
Humans have the most interesting/confusing/weird sense of thinking.
Pardon me for the bad engrish today. The words that i thought of just now
dissolved in my brain. Thus, this blog post sounds funny.
Im bored and i would like to find out more.
Its kinda interesting to examine or study human behaviour am i right?
so yea. well, that all i guess.
stooopid brain.
Or i would talk more.
im having a bad day.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:07 PM
'Wednesday, June 11, 2008} Y
Gilles Peterson's Worldwide Festival.

I still cant figure out on why i have to be feeling hungry everynight when im home.
Its weird. Cuz whenever im outside, i dont seem to want to eat.
Im not complaining but its the fact. The fact that i dont have food at home.
Instant noodles were in the cupboard the last 3 days, but there's only 1 left now.
Half of the Chipster chips have been digested when IRFNXS came over to watch a movie.
Granola bit's gone yesterday.
Nice, sweet drinks have been slurped down.
Ice cream's ran out a couple of weeks before.
& to top it all, my mom hasnt been using the stove since we moved in. And that was like,
4 years ago? Yes. She'll only cook at Grandmom's. Which is, im glad to say, only 2 doors away.
But sometimes, ille be too lazy to go over.
& sometimes, when i wanted to go over, she'll be outside or sleeping.
Thanks granny.
So, guess ille eat tmr then.
It could be a dieting regiment for me.
I dont need it but, yea.
Think ille go sleep in hunger.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:22 PM
'Sunday, June 08, 2008} Y

Having an SLR and no skills doesnt make one a photographer.
Neither does claiming that ur a photo editor when ur editing sucks.
Thanks for reading.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:29 AM
'Friday, June 06, 2008} Y
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:47 PM
'Tuesday, June 03, 2008} Y

Upon hearing that Irfnxs might go to Jakarta this holidays make me sad already.
But he said he might not go. But he's not sure.
If you do baby, im gon miss you terribly.
Without you here, ille feel weird and sad.
Cuz having to see you everyday makes my day everytime.
Even if we quarell or not. Ille still be one happy chick.
Hope that you'll not go to Jakarta. But if you do, its okay, ille wait till ure back.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:18 PM
'Monday, June 02, 2008} Y
Went for Popcorn Playa the other day with Irfnxs, Naufal etc.
It was, well, quite alright i guess.
Supreme One performed with DSC and all.
So, its 11.35pm now and im still awake writing this random post.
Not to mention that ive got an exam going on tmr at 8.30am.
UGH. But its okay thou. There'll be only one paper left to go after tmr
and then we'll be free. Finally. A one month break from the pits of socializing hell.
And so, i think im going to bed now as ive got nothing else to do
and cuz Irfnxs has also gone to bed and plus ive got noone to entertain me.
Till here then.
Ps: Nanti aku letak k gambar kau.
Dahh bis, go suck your toe.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:33 PM