'Monday, April 28, 2008} Y

In relevant to Fyre's post on her blog,
I saw a kid picking his nose happily in the bus just now.
Well, i was listening to my mp3, boyfriend by my side while enjoy the bus ride,
when suddenly a boy picked his nose.
Yeah, i know.
It was kinda interesting looking at that particular boy.
At ferst, he scratched his head. I said to myself * Must be quite itchy*
Cuz he scratched it long enough.
To my amuse, he then placed his tiny finger in his nose.
& dug like as if there's no tmr. Yes. I just said that. Im serious guys.
He dug & dug & dug while watching Tv Mobile.
& he dug as if he's at home alone.
By then, i was like, *Aaah. its okay, im cool.*
A few seconds later, he scratched his head with the same hand that just
went in that particular nose hole.
After that, He DUG his FUCKING NOSE AGAIN.
I was freaked out.
& I went * Ooooooh thats some Grossss shit dude.*
& irfnxs didnt even noticed that boy.
oh oh & i cant wait or tmr.
No CRN lesson & whats better is that we're goin on a field trip.
Okay im done.
I write bout what i saw
& i write bout what ive heard too
Whatchu gon do?
Pull out my fallopian tube?
Well, it aint that simple & neither its right
You should suffer chinese water torture
Hell yea that would open up ur sense of sight.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:14 PM
'Saturday, April 26, 2008} Y

Im so happy.
Im just plain happy.
Im more happier than you.
Cuz my earlobes just got bigger.
From 4.1mm to 8mm now.
But still, i want it to be 16mm.
Well, i hope my lobes have enough skin to stretch it to 16mm.
Pray for me.
Okay, its throbbing. I wanna go get some rest.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 12:05 AM
'Tuesday, April 22, 2008} Y

Im back wierdos.
The reason for being absent from the blogging dimension is
cuz ive been pretty lazy to blog the past few days.
Celebrated our 2nd month last friday by going to cityhall & we did nothing.
But i really did enjoy my day thou.
Cuz i got to spent it with you & ure my special one.
Simply said, I enjoyed spending quality time with my loved one.
& thats you. Yes. Irfnxs ^^
We're so inseparable.
Try ripping us apart & ille grate you like the cheese thats needed for cheese tart.
School's pretty good today.
& we didnt skip any lessons today. So, Hooray for us all. (:
I noticed that ive been eating alot since last week.
5 different types of bread in a day, plus junk & proper food.
My tummy's getting big. I guess i should stop eating.
But i cant. Think im getting my period. Gyeah. That explains the amount of food
ive been consuming. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Okay, i wanna have a chat with irfnxs.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:14 PM
'Thursday, April 17, 2008} Y

Hi, Aku lah Badang.
I just knocked down on off my chopsticks from the bowl and it landed somewhere
behind my computer table. And my aunt said, *Eh, dahh kenape tuu? Tido eh?*
*Eh, what happened? Fell asleep izzit?*
Thanks eh.
The trip to Bedok ITE with Irfnxs to accompany Rina to apply for a course
made me realised that im so fortunate to be in ITE East Simei.
The facilities are wayyyyyyyy different. No air-conditioned canteens,
No swimming pools, No extra canteens nor cafes [ITE East has 3 canteens, all air- conditioned,
The size of 3-4 classrooms being combined together, 2 cafes, and 2 shops where we
can get our candies and tidbits], No Running tracks, No air-conditioned classes [ i guess].
Its so different, i swear.
Now, i love my school. & my teachers. Plus I appreciate that im in ITE East Simei.
Pheww. What a relieve.
Okay, i have to go now.
Must go take my medication for my back.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 8:16 PM
'Monday, April 14, 2008} Y
Wooo && there's 1901 cheese hotdog bun and a little cup of mashed potatoes
in front of me now.
K chiao. I need the time to devour my meal.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 8:19 PM
'Sunday, April 13, 2008} Y
Hello Earthlings.
its 1.32am in the fucking morning and here i am at Pasir Ris CC
eating Nasi Bryani and drinkin Ice lemon tea with Irfnxs. -.-
Please send me food via email.
Mucho Love.
PS; food is my new fetish. HEHEHEH
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 1:30 AM
'Saturday, April 12, 2008} Y

Happy 19th to you Supreme One!
Next year dahh tua tau. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Im still 17 and ure not. That means im still young while ure Old.
err, gyeah. thats all. HAHA
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 3:24 PM
'} Y

Can u believe this?
Well, i cant.
And i feel sorry for this guy, Numszayin?! gyeah.
I bet this guy has been mourning all his life.
Not that someone's dead and he cant get over it,
But the fact that he has been named Batman Bin Suparman.
I would too if I knew my name was like,
Latifah Binte Gungho.
Who in the right mind who name their child that?
Latifah's fine with me, but, GUNGHO?!
No way man, NO WAY. Bahh. Ille cry my eyes out till the day i day i guess.
Im not playing around with the names man. Im serious.
Now now people, dont u guys go around teasing this guy.
He has feelings too. What would you do if ure in his place & suddenly
u hear people chanting ur name over & over again?
Well i think you would feel like giving the person a good punch in the face right?
I bet he would too.
The reason i blogged bout this, cuz it caught my attention. Im sorry dude.
I cant help it. See, i told the other humans out there to not tease you.
Im not as bad as the others (:
Oooh. I got nuts stucked to the underside of my teeth.
oops. bye.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:34 PM
'Thursday, April 10, 2008} Y

I think im gonna have a "GREAT" day.
Woke up and received Rina's msg, *Dont be late okay, Be waitin for u guys at 2 at GAP.*
And i was like, * I think u msged the wrong person. haha*
She was like, *No, the right person. Irfnxs's gonna meet you and you
guys are gonna meet me here.*
I went, *Eh? He didnt tell me! wtf wtf. Nvm i go bathe ferst. Shit. i got diarrhoea
and am goin to the toilet every 15mins. Shit must go eat my medicine.*
I hope my stooopid diarrhoea gooes awayyyyy sooooooon. bahh.
okay okay. shall go take a rest before goin out.
tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata sauce.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:57 AM
'Wednesday, April 09, 2008} Y

Heya bitches.
Currently at Pasir ris CC using thy wireless from thy Macbeast.
Like wtf. I just blew a fucking huge insect away from my table. bahh.
And i hope it doesnt come back.
Lunch was great today.
And i mean REALLY GREAT and fulfilling.
Had lunch at Downtown's Sakura with my aunt and her furry little friend.
Oops. i mean, Friend.
Ate as if the whole world is coming to an end. Haha. I know.
What did i ate?
I had me some,
Baked Oysters, Fruit Salad, Cold Spaghetti, Bbq Chicken Bits, 3 pieces of Raw Salmons,
Jellyfish, Butter Prawns with tartar, Crabmeat Salad, Shark's fin soup, Tom Yam soup,
Small Slices of Cheesecake, Chocolate cake, Oreo cake, 2 Sticks of Mocchi
[one stick consisting of 3 little mocchi], Ribena, Baked Salmon, Prawn sushi, Vanilla
Ice Cream with Colourful & Choco Sprinkles on it.
Hah. There's more but i can possibly list em all here can i?
Ille look as if im the Manager posting the menu here.
Well thats what Irfnxs said.
*Irfnxs looking at the screen* - *Kimis! Dahh macam Menu sia you!*
*Kimis! Its like a Menu already sia you!*
Im full. But i think im gettin hungry now.
Oh, its olready 9.35pm. Guess ille go savage for thy pieces food now.
Bye El-Butches. Konichiwa Bitcheese.
Love Yall Like Em Niggaz Lovin Em Bootylicious Hoes NUMSZAYIN?!
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:04 PM
'Sunday, April 06, 2008} Y

I feel feverish.
&& i want my surprise.
Plus i miss you Boyfriend.
Im sorry or the way i acted just now.
Im so sad liaozxzxzxzxz.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 8:24 PM
'} Y

Hi, my name's Bored.
And i think its gonna rain soon. Well, i hope it will.
Practically, ive been living in Boredom throughout my whole entire life.
I need books this instant. And this is my ferst time using the computer.
And that picture above is of my evil twin.
I have absolutely No emotions.
But i have a sick sense of humor and im wierd.
Currently, i am suffering from a stiff back and aching legs cuz ive been sitting in front
of the computer for ages.
And someone whom i do not know just told me to switch off the computer for the second time.
Well, i think that was my evil twin's aunt.
Okay now, i shall meditate in boredom in my evil twin's dungeon.
I mean, bedroom.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 2:24 PM
'Saturday, April 05, 2008} Y

im dead beat.
Had the class pit yesterday. [which doesnt turns out like a class pit.]
Had loads of fun. Joked and Crapped with the people and boozed at night.
Tonned and woke up with a deadly hangover. Ugh ugh ugh.
Was sleepy as hell cuz we slept at like what? 5am. and woke up at around 7am.
[ To cut the story short]
went home at around 8am just now just to see my mom's van go out from the carpark.
called my aunt and my mom u-turned to pick me up.
Went to Changi to do some stuffs and had Breakfast. I felt like closing my eyes
while eating. fuck. i swear. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.
Reached home at about 11am+ and the ferst thing i did was to go to the toilet
and wash up and then, hit the bed. At that point of time,
i felt that the bed and me had some kind of relationship. it was sensual.
okayyyyyyyyy random -.-
Slept and woke up like around 8pm. HAHAHAH.
But i still feel crappy. And im not sure why. Think its because of the stooopid hangover.
Hangovers and me dont click.
Think its time for me to say Goodbye now. Will update tmr.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:23 PM