'Monday, March 31, 2008} Y

Went for Definition on Saturday with Rina & Didad.
had problems with my heels and walked over to funan's Watsons to buy the
sole thingy for my heels. Walked over to the Artshouse and met up with Haziq, Irfnxs,
Chavitoxs, Azraelxs etc; before heading up to the Chamber.
Host Freaky-Z was funny and crappy.
Had this guy coming on stage to beatbox. Superb skillz i tell you. cant remember the
name thou. haha. After that, came the show.
All went quite okay until it was Irfnxs and Chavitoxs turn to perform.
Just a lil intro and it made the crowd [mostly gurls] go, goo goo gaga.
oh, Too bad he isnt urs. I Love Him More than everything else in the world
so all u Bitches out there can go kiss ur own ass.
Back to the Topic,
They sure have alot of fans huh. HAHAHA.
Gotta have to put two thumbs up for the both of them cuz they really did their job well.
Good performance guys. (:
After their performance, went down and had us some cancer sticks.
Gotta have us some Break time man.
Went back up cuz Irfnxs wanted to watch X'statix's performance.
Azrael's mad man. Not literally mad, but mad as in when he's rapping.
Mad rapping. gahh. if u get what i mean.
To keep it short, Freaky-Z's performance was the last one.
It was GOOD. haha. After the show, went down and hung out for a while
before proceeding to Funan's Mac to meet Rina and Didad. Supposed to Follow
the XS crew to Cineleisure but my foot was hurting at that time so we didnt go.
Ate and my foot got even worse so i had no choice but to buy a pair of slippers from BATA.
tried on 2-3 pairs but everytime we asked for a size bigger, the sales assistant
said that there's only a size 8 but not a 7 -_-
Got a perfect one at last and decided to meet the others at cineleisure.
Got there and stayed for 5-10mins cuz they wanted to go to Marina Square.
Gave Freaky-Z a high five and went off.
Reached Marina and waited for the others to eat.
While they were about to finish, Adrenalene went, "bau sia! saper kentot?"
"smelly sia! who farted?"
Everyone was like, "Nie mesti Azrael!" - " This must be Azrael!"
and he was like " Bukan aku la" - "It wasnt me la"
it went on and on till naufal [i think] said,
"aku takkan jalan daripada sini sampai orang tuu mengaku"
"i wont leave this table till someone confess that he/she did it".
Then, Chavitoxs and Irfnxs said, "kk aku mengaku, aku yg kentot"
"kk i confess, it was me who farted"
and we went out to have some cancer sticks. HAHAHAHAH.
Funny bunch of people.
14-ed home after that with Irfnxs.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 9:25 AM
'Wednesday, March 19, 2008} Y

Someone just made me fall from my chair to the floor in class. Guess who?
IRFNXS -.- idiot. Lucky for me, i was sittin at the back of class and noone
noticed me on the floor. And im olso lucky to have landed on my butt in a sitting position.
Imagine me falling over and landing on my face or back. Ille look like a turtle.
Ive been stuck in this stoopid class since 830hrs till now. Glad its gonna end by 100hrs.
Okay. Now my classmate is talking about a teacher overseas, abusing the kids
and forcing them to have oral sex in front of the class. -_____-"
I donnoe why but everytime i blog in class, ille feel very cold.
i cant feel my fingers again. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Hope i wont have to go to the front to describe what im gonna talk about next term.
Cuz i think i have the like, the most Crappiest topic ever.
Im bored. i feel like dancing in the middle of the class.
Gawd. My teacher just called my name and asked me to talk bout my topic.
But no, i decline his offer. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
who would be mad enough to talk bout snow eating? >.>
i think im gonna get a fever.
i feel cold when its hot and hot when its cold.
I love it when people starts to ignore me. yackitty yack! How fun it is!
I failed my Customer Relations test. I cant believe it. Just half a mark away.
Gaaaaahh. I gots to pull my socks up. Like seriously.
I have no idea on what to type now.
Im bored and alone in class. bahh gahh rahh wahh lahh dahh sahh tahh yahh jahh.
That was bloody hell random.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:09 AM
'Wednesday, March 12, 2008} Y
Oh hey people. As you might know, im in school right now.
The classroom's still fucking cold when both doors has been opened since
the beginning of the lesson. I think im gonna freeze to death in 10 mins time.
Gawd. i cant feel my fingers and toes. Okay now Mrs Ng's gonna show us ourAccess Test results.
Im losing it. I cant take it a. Ugh im turning to ice.
Yey. I passed.Got an A for both Tests.
My fingers are turning purple. My hands have turned redish purple. My tummy is rumbling.
Irfnxs's not reading the message i typed on my hp. Cant things get any better?
I dont wanna die in class. No. No way. I dont wanna die in school cuz I still
want a lil bit of Glamour. Yes u heard me. I Wanna Have a Lil Bit of Glamour.
Well, Dying in school isnt Glamourous at all.
Damn, Now i cant even feel the pain of the bruises on my leg when i press
my finger against it -.-
My head feels painfull now. Think im on the verge of giving up. shucks. Should've bought
my blanket with me to school so i can find refuge under it.
I feel like going home now. Noone's talking to me in class. Not even the Monitor Screen.
Come to think of it, It'll be good if the Monitor Screen could talk. Ille have
someone to talk to then. Wish i had a sheep. The least i can do is to shave the wool off the sheep and make myself a coat. (Well, i myself have not heard of a coat made from Sheep's wool.)
But it'll be better then nothing :\
Someone please, set me on Fire.
or Set the classroom on Fire.
The hairs on my hands and legs are starting to stand.
I think im ranting. Im sorry but i have to rant. I cant take it.
Or am i not? bahhhhhhhhhh bahhhhhhhhhh black sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Freak. My eyes are closing on me. My tummy's Rumbling even louder.
Think im having Migraine. the left side of my head hurts. my left eye hurts too.
I love my Extended Ear holes. But i would want it extended till 16mm.
I think im beginning to communicate with my Monitor Screen. Like Finally.
Wow. Suddenly, Im impressed with myself. Okay now i feel like puking.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:42 AM
'Sunday, March 09, 2008} Y
Ears extended to 4.1mm.

extended both my earlobes to 4.1mm by desmond at STEGE parkway
on thursday. hurts like fuck at ferst but now its better.
went out after that with Irfnxs to town. went over to SCHU in search of my syg Rina.
hahahaha. Then Rina said that she was working FULL TIME on that day itself and cant
hang out with us. ugh. so we both went over to taka garden and watched
(i forgot the name of the movie) on Irfnxs Macbook.
and Then suddenly, i heard, "Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu~"
*Rina holding lighted Birthday cake*
ughhhhhhhh. cheeeeaaattttt my moneyyyyyyy ah youuu guyssss.!
so much for working full time Rina, and So much for not telling me Baby. -.-
gawd. that was awesome. but it sucks too. cuz i wasnt expecting it.
haha. but Thanks u guys! appreciate it loads!
got a cute top from Rina, a Dior Homme Bag and a pair of Heels from Irfnxs,
and cake from i think everyone. ahhaha.
i Love you guys.
and especially you, Baby.
Thank you for everything.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 10:54 AM
'Saturday, March 01, 2008} Y
welcome you fucks.

pulau-ed ubin 2 days ago with the fam.
hahaha. nice trip. but was hot an stuffy. had lunch at the nearby seafood
restaurant and it was great, even though i cant finish my food -.-
a cat kept coming to ur table and im the one who has to throw the food to the cat
in order to keep it away. my aunt's afraid of cats u see. HAHAHAHAHAHA
she'll scream her ass off and run like a 100 miles if one comes near her. -.-
so much for being an adult.
oh and i managed to snap a picture of the cat.
The hungry Cat.
after that, took a ride in the so called van "taxi's" to chek jawa(?)
reached and walked in to check the mangrove swamps out.
not even a minute passed, i ran my ass off. and its because of?
u heard me.
ugh. yuck. eeeew.
i just hate butterflies.
i hate anithing that flies. except for birds that is.
nipalm fruits are like what. big and wierd man.
Nipalm fruit.
okay okay. im gonna go get ready now. gotta go meet rina and irfnxs
ferst an devour my cheesecake before meetin hamdan at ct hall.
Dark Blessings upon Thy. 11:12 AM