sorry for the delay cuz ive been pretty buzy with projects and tests this few days.
ye macam paham. but its true la.
Helloween's concert was like yesterday and i was at pasir ris watching Saw with Irfnxs
on his Macbook. -.- shucks, should've saved some money for it man.
gahh. but nahh, its okay. had a really great day with Irfnxs thou. (:
now im bored. and im listenin to Paula Deanda's song. -.-
okay okay. thats so random. finally got to meet Farah, jeff and the others last week
when Rina and me went back to Bvss. the feeling was great.
come to think of it, i kinda miss secondary school. but then at the same time,
im glad that ive graduated. hahahaha ^^v
i just got my ite ezlink and my face looks like an AH BENG.
cuz my hair's short and it looks like an AH BENG's hair in the pic. like wtf.
when will i ever get my picture taken decently like this?

Gawd. im so bad. im sorrry kid. blame it on Irfnxs for the pictures.
AHAHA. okay i think i better stop laughing now. or my aunt
will think im crazy or something. =D
till here.
i love you Baby.